What we do
We design, create and maintain world-class, safe, efficient and environment-friendly highway infrastructure for local authorities.
Ringway Jacobs supports 25,400 kilometres of highways, footway and public right of way.
People employed by Ringway Jacobs across the UK.
Reduction in C02 emissions since 2020.
The year by which all our vehicles will use alternative fuel.
Approximate spend last financial year with our local supply chains in Essex and Cheshire East.

About us
Drawing upon expertise from global partners to complement our own extensive resources and capability, we design, create and maintain world-class, safe, efficient and environment-friendly highway infrastructure for local authorities.
Our model is one of service ownership and local employment resulting in ‘right first time’ service delivery.
Proven Approach
Supported by the expertise and experience of our global partners, we provide truly integrated highway services that deliver high quality, safe, sustainable best value solutions to our clients and their communities.