Procurement Policy

Ringway Jacobs is a leading highways service provider working with local authorities across the UK and it is therefore crucial for us that we conduct our business with high standards of ethics and integrity.

The Ringway Jacobs Supply Chain and Procurement Policy has been developed to comply with our quality, safety and environmental management systems and to promote the procuring of sustainable solutions, products and materials as well as the development of sustainable business relationships.

Ringway Jacobs prides itself on its collaborative approach and strong partnership culture.  To consistently deliver an excellent level of service and outstanding quality projects, we need to work proactively alongside our supply chain.

Ringway Jacobs is committed to continuous improvement, capturing innovation and sustainable development.Our supply chain strategy is designed to encourage openness, trust and collaboration.We have created a set of relationship guidelines to ensure that these aspirations support the way in which we work with our supply chain.

Whilst Ringway Jacobs has strategic partnerships with several large national suppliers, we also take steps to ensure that we engage with local SME suppliers.We are fully aware of our responsibilities to support each local economy in which we operate and of our duty to create jobs and improve people’s lives.

Prequalification and approval

Before undertaking works for Ringway Jacobs, our prequalification process in Tradex (our Supply Chain onboarding platform), requires Subcontractors and Suppliers applying to work for us to provide satisfactory answers to specific questions relating to modern slavery, equality, diversity and inclusion, social value and the Bribery Act.Our prequalification approvers receive guidance on how to appropriately manage poor responses from onboarding Suppliers.

Sustainable procurement

  • Seek alternative materials incorporating higher proportions of recycled materials
  • Give preference to procuring products (direct and indirect) which can demonstrate compliance with a recognised responsible sourcing schemes that are certified by a third party
  • Continually reduce our vehicle fleet’s carbon dioxide emissions by encouraging uptake of less polluting vehicles
  • Ensure that all services and materials we are procuring will be legal, ethical and in accordance with client requirements and the Ringway Jacobs Code of conduct

Modern Slavery

Modern Slavery is a term used to describe issues such as Labour exploitation, Forced Labour, Human Trafficking and practices such as passport holding, debt bondage and other such breaches of an individual’s human rights.

  • Suppliers and Subcontractors are required to provide a copy of their Modern Slavery Statement when completing vendor prequalification documentation and additional documentation detailing the steps being taken to ensure that modern slavery and labour exploitation does not occur in their own business or supply chain.

  • Suppliers and Subcontractors are required to notify Ringway Jacobs as soon as they become aware of any instance of Modern Slavery or Labour Exploitation taking place in its business or supply chain.

  • Suppliers and Subcontractors should raise awareness of modern slavery to employees through appropriate methods, including training site inductions, toolbox talks and notice boards. We are an active member of the Supply Chain Sustainability School who offer course accessibility to all our supply chain, these courses include Modern Slavery and Sustainable Procuring.

  • If subcontractors and suppliers are providing products or materials that are sourced from high-risk countries of origin, we require them to identify the steps they are taking to ensure modern slavery and labour exploitation does not occur.

We require evidence that our suppliers and subcontractors (or their auditors) conduct annual / regular supply chain audits, to assesses labour standards in the supply chain operating in high-risk countries of origin and evidence that findings have been actioned.We conduct a 360 review of all high-risk supply chain partners. This includes both the material and commercial supply chain. We expect our suppliers to be proactive in their approach and provide any back up evidence in a reasonable timescale as requested by Ringway Jacobs.

Fair payment

We are committed to paying our supply chain partners on time to mutually agreed terms, regularly featuring as industry leading as reported on the government published payment practice reports.

Ringway Jacobs is fully committed to our clients in delivering and demonstrating cost predictability, accuracy and value for money. Our integrated, self-delivery model puts us in direct control of generating proven cashable and non-cashable efficiencies and enables us to instil a right-first-time ethos. This is relevant throughout the business in order to continue to deliver for our clients. To effectively deliver in this way we continue to build strong long term relationships with national and local SME’s, supporting them and working closely with them, whilst paying them within our mutually agreed terms - Ensuring best value for money and an uninterrupted supply to our service delivery.

This policy will be reviewed on an annual basis and as and when necessary to reflect changes in relevant legislation.


Date: 27/10/2023


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