Drone use in Essex
case study

The use of drones has been successfully applied by Ringway Jacobs to make the inspection of structures, safer, more effective, more efficient and also greener.
Once again it is our relationship with our shareholder companies that allows us to utilise this cutting-edge technology for the benefit of our clients.
In Essex, our team at Essex Highways manages approximately 1500 structures. These cover a wide spectrum, from retaining walls and culverts to bridges over rivers, railways, and high-speed roads.
Inspections of these, require staff to work over water, across and alongside busy roads and, with permission, Network Rail property.
Drone technology paired with high-power cameras, has pushed boundaries by widening the structure types we can now inspect by drone.
This exciting innovation has helped Essex Highways undertake a record number of yearly principal inspections and paves the way for year-on-year improvement as experience with the technology grows. By constantly evaluating the quality of delivery, we can continually improve our targeting of structures for drone inspection and deliver savings, enabling even more structures to be inspected.