Cheshire East Highways shortlisted for two IHE Mercia Branch Awards this year
22/03/2022- Categories:
- Ringway Jacobs,
Cheshire East Highways have been shortlisted for two awards at this year’s IHE Awards event; Safety and Innovation Project of the Year and Team of the Year. The Bridges and structures team successfully delivered a scheme at Bollin Grove, Prestbury during challenging conditions and the work has been recognised by the local authority, ward members and parish councillors. The work involved an innovative approach to enable the safe reconstruction of the wall from the bed of a river where the water levels were somewhat unpredictable, whilst ensuring the integrity of the services and safety of the public and site staff.
The wall was reconstructed to match and blend in with the rest of structure whilst maintaining modern construction techniques. Pedestrian access was maintained throughout the scheme. During the construction phase the local primary school was invited to attend site to encourage our young engineers of the future and to promote the importance of site safety. Assistance was provided to elderly residents by wheeling out their bins through the road closure and returning them back when emptied.
A gold card was issued by Ringway Jacobs senior management in recognition of the standards of safety set throughout the scheme. As part of the delivery, the competence of the site staff was further enhanced through training in the temporary works inspection of scaffolding and the framed dam.
Effective temporary works management added to all levels of safe delivery. Access and egress points were provided, the movement of materials was carefully considered and delivered on site. Our interface with the public through positive publicity meant that enquiries were kept to a minimal level. Services were restrained at all times until the wall was fully reconstructed mitigating the risk of any damage.
Challenging weather conditions and covid restrictions added further challenges to this scheme. Essential resources were ‘bubbled’ together to reduce the risk of spreading the virus. Signs were erected on site to remind staff to keep apart and enhanced cleansing of the cabins was undertaken.
The overall condition of the rest of the wall is poor. Using our team of engineering divers, we have been able to assess the rest of the structure to formulate an asset management plan that will look to maintain the integrity of the wall whilst undertaking further works, where required in a planned and co-ordinated manner.
Through proactive attendance on site with the Environment Agency, expectations were exceeded by undertaking advance ecology surveys and environmental risk assessments. Silt curtains were installed up and downstream of the dam to capture disturbed sediment. Regular inspections found we had Mink feeding downstream of the works and a Dipper bird nesting near to the works. The latter required suspension of activities until the young had fledged.
Scour prevention measures incorporated into the design of the wall rebuild means that, at this location, the ongoing deterioration of the riverbed stones will not lead to future problems.
We are proud of the work done by everyone involved and look forward to the awards ceremony on 28th April 2022.
Find out more on IHE Awards here: