Graduate Forum - The leaders of tomorrow

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  • Ringway Jacobs

Ringway Jacobs has recently held their first Graduate Forum. Taking place at the London Transport Museum, this was the first time all of their graduates from across the contracts had come together and gave them the ideal opportunity to launch their Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) Training Programme.

Under the programme, graduates will receive the necessary support to meet their training objectives and will have a designated mentor to aid them throughout, ensuring they gain professional recognition by the ICE.

The day featured presentations giving the graduates a taste of how the different contracts run and how they should approach the training scheme and maximise any opportunities given along the way.

The graduates were impressed with the day and the opportunity that Ringway Jacobs is now able to offer independently. Plans are already underway to develop the scheme further by building closer relationships with universities to be able to better inform undergraduates of the opportunities at Ringway Jacobs.

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