Network Safety Team Award success with ‘Get in Gear’
22/04/2016- Categories:
- Transport For Buckinghamshire,

Transport for Buckinghamshire’s (TfB) Network Safety Team has won the First Car, Young Driver Road Safety Award for ‘Get in Gear.’
Get in Gear (GIG) is a new driver initiative for those under the age of 25 who have recently passed their driving test. The course consists of a workshop, followed by four hours ‘on road’ driving, on carefully selected roads. Casualty data was used to identify roads where young people are most likely to be killed or injured.
Get in Gear was developed after research highlighted that young drivers (17-24) accounted for 25% of all those killed or seriously injured across Buckinghamshire. Analysis of collision data showed that 60% of these crashes occurred on roads with a speed limit of 40 mph or above. A third of these were single vehicles on rural roads, during the hours of darkness.
The judges recognised that GIG was fully researched and evaluated and is not only sustainable but can be replicated by other authorities and organisations. TfB has supported Suffolk CC and Milton Keynes Council to set up the scheme in their area.