Ringway Jacobs donates to local food bank
22/11/2016- Categories:
- Ringway Jacobs,
Ringway Jacobs’ LoHAC contract has donated approximately half a tonne of goods to the North Enfield Food Bank. Four of the contract’s team also spent one of their volunteering days at the centre to help unload, sort and prepare food hampers.
The North Enfield Food Bank has between 400-500 clients each month and provides an emergency supply of three days’ worth of food per person per visit. The centre deals with a wide range of clients ranging from those on low income and benefit delays to domestic violence.
One of our volunteers said “It was an absolute privilege to donate a day of my time, working for a worthy local cause. I was amazed to see for myself how generous people can be, donating so much food and clothing to the charity at this time of year.”
The North Enfield Foodbank Manager said “Thank you so much for coming, for your donations and for helping at the foodbank! We’re very grateful!”