Ringway Jacobs launches Health and Safety Initiative
15/01/2015- Categories:
- Ringway Jacobs,
Ringway Jacobs has launched its news health and safety initiative - ‘Think Safe, Home Safe’. The company invests heavily in health and safety as it aspires to be the safest company to work for in the highway industry.
A very thought provoking Health and Safety Conference was held on 14 January which saw staff, shareholders, clients and supply chain working together to improve the safety of everyone working for, or on behalf of the company.
Following this, ‘Think Safe, Home Safe’ was launched across the business, through a series of films designed to encourage staff to support and look out for each other, every single minute of the working day.
'Think Safe, Home Safe’ is more than just a logo, it is a link between the work place and home lives. Ringway Jacobs wants everyone who comes to work to go home safely at the end of the day and to adopt the safety culture outside of the working environment.