Ringway Jacobs makes donation to Road Safety Charity

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Health and safety is at the heart of Ringway Jacobs and the company encourages staff to report ‘near misses’ – unplanned events that did not result in injury, illness or damage but had the potential to do so.

For every ‘near miss’ that is reported, the company donates £1 to Brake, the road safety charity. During 2014, 2072 ‘near misses’ were reported resulting in the presentation of a cheque to Brake for £2072 to aid their vital work.

Mike Bristow, Fundraising Officer at Brake, said: “Brake is extremely grateful to the team at Ringway Jacobs for their continual support in raising £2072. It’s great to see the 20% increase in near misses reported, emphasising the importance of safety issues in the work place. This donation will help Brake continue its life-saving work promoting road safety and providing vital comfort and guidance to people devastated by road deaths and injuries.”

Transport for Buckinghamshire was the venue for the presentation as they have maintained their safety record which included no Lost Time Incidents or RIDDORS for the whole of 2014.

Every 30 seconds someone, somewhere, is killed in a road crash. Brake is a charity, funded by donations, that campaigns nationally to raise awareness about road safety to stop road deaths and injuries, make our communities safer and greener and improve support for crash victims. Further information about Brake can be found at www.brake.org.uk.

Simon Dando, Contract Director for Transport for Buckinghamshire; Mark Shaw, Buckinghamshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Transportation; Mike Bristow, Brake’s Fundraising Officer; Mike Notman, Managing Director of Ringway Jacobs

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