Ringway Jacobs wins two Highways Excellence Awards
21/10/2015- Categories:
- Ringway Jacobs,

Ringway Jacobs achieved great success at the recent Highways Excellence Awards, with two of its contracts winning national awards.
Together with Essex County Council, Ringway Jacobs won the Highways Maintenance Efficiency Award. The entry highlighted their collaborative integrated team that has improved the customer experience whilst generating savings and achieving sustainable efficiencies. Of their entry, the judges said: “Good contractor and local authority collaboration. Demonstrating year on year efficiencies and improvements that can be reinvested back into the network.”
In partnership with Elgin and Cheshire East Council, Ringway Jacobs also won the ITS (UK) Award for the Best Use of New Technology in the Highways Industry. Their Traffic Management App allows them to plan, co-ordinate and publicise temporary traffic regulation orders, communicating accurate and authoritative information in real time to the travelling public.
Of their entry, the judges said: “An App that enables teams to create road closures and diversionary routes in a matter of minutes using one seamless process.”
Mike Notman, Ringway Jacobs’ Managing Director said: “These two prestigious awards are a true testament of our collaborative and innovative approach to the services we deliver for our clients. We pride ourselves on delivering our client’s objectives for their local community and it’s wonderful to see the industry recognising and rewarding our excellent work.”