Service Bulletin: New lease of life for rundown culvert

  • Categories: 
  • Essex County Council

A £140,000 project to restore a rundown culvert to its former glory has recently been completed by our Structures Team.

Work to restore the derelict culvert which runs under Park Gate Road in Witham began in February 2014 and took just under 11 weeks to complete.

Previous inspections revealed the culvert was in very poor condition and needed to be replaced.

The Structures Team worked with subcontractors, Topbond, to give the culvert a new lease of life.

The team replaced the old brick culvert with new concrete units and walls to improve safety for all road users.

Project Engineer Mayoorun Parasuraman said that if the culvert had not been reconstructed, a weight limit restriction which would have inconvenienced local businesses, would have been considered necessary for safety reasons.

He added: “Replacing the culvert means that the road will not be subject to any weight restriction.

“Additionally, the waterway area of the culvert has been increased and the road gullies were cleaned. This will significantly reduce the chance of flooding.”

Peter Studd from Kelvedon Parish Council praised the team for their effort. He said: “Thank you for the way you have kept the community and Parish Council informed about the progress of this project. This does not always happen. We look forward to working with you in the future.”

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